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Search Engines List

March 14, 2013, Written by 0 comment

Needless to say that all of us have some searches to do almost everyday and uses mainly Google to do so. The searches we do could be for knowledge, to clarify some doubts, for studies, for work or even looking to buy some products or services. Even though there is a list of Search Engines available to do our searches, we always tend to go for the most common ones like Google, Yahoo and Bing. So, today I would like to give you a quick list of some other search engines which might not be as popular as the main ones but still providing very good results.

Google Search Engine

Google is definitely the most used and most popular search engine in the world. We have country-based google searches available for different countries like,, and so on.


Yahoo is also another great search engines that most people already know about. However, now Yahoo and Bing has partnered together to offer even better quality search results. Even though this is a great progress, Google still have the greater search engine market share.

Other Search Engines

There are a lot of other Search Engines available for you to search for information online. However, most of them use the search results provided by the main search engines while others provide their own.

Below is a simple Search Engines List which may help you to play around and see the difference in the results obtained. You might be amazed at the quality of results obtained sometime.

Search Engines List

Enjoy 😉