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Internet traffic v/s targeted web traffic

March 27, 2011, Written by 0 comment

What do we need to know about internet traffic… as this has now become a major concern for all online business owners! They are all online looking for traffic so as to be able to face their competitors and be successful in their endeavor. Does internet traffic helps in our online success?

From traditional prospects to internet traffic

In today’s world of technology and the internet, many business owners have followed the current trends and have migrated their trading experience to the internet. One of the main reason is that their prospects; potential customers for traditional or internet traffic for the web; are much wider and they have all made the effort of getting their own website to better serve their customers. The advantage of the internet is well worth than traditional business as we can be more effective in providing information and support and at the same time it is less costing.

Understanding the power behind internet traffic

There is definitely a great power lying behind website or internet traffic. First, let me give you a clear introduction of what internet traffic is about. It refers to web surfers that will eventually comes to your website. These internet surfers are human beings looking for something on the internet whether it be information, products or services. This means that if we are willing to provide information, sell our products or services online, we will need web traffic or internet surfers to come to our site to get what they are willing to. Saying this will also means that the more web traffic I receive on my website, the more will be my potential to offer and sell my products and services.

Targeted web traffic

Now what is targeted web traffic? Targeted traffic are website visitors that are willing to buy or made an action that site owners want them to do. These actions might involve asking for more details and/or eventually buy something. Targeted internet traffic refers to the actual people who are simply looking for what the site owner is trying to offer. This means that the more targeted traffic a site receive, the more conversions to sales will occur and hence more profit.

Where does site traffic and targeted traffic comes from?

Well, this is a vast questions as there are so many sources of online traffic. Needless to say that some sources may bring just web traffic as others may bring targeted traffic to the website. Some of the common sources of traffic might come through the search engines, forums, blogs, social networks, banner advertising, viral, emails, AdWords, PPC and many other sources. Note that all the above can also be used as internet marketing techniques to drive targeted traffic instead of just internet traffic to your website.

That’s all I will share in this introductory article about website traffic for now. I will be writing more advanced topic as I get some more free time.

Don’t forget to check out our article, how do I get on google?